Preliminary Results of our Annual Survey on Student & Teacher Outcomes Are In!

With the 2022/23 school year wrapped up, it’s a great time to look back and celebrate successes. Take a look at our preliminary results of our annual Survey on Student & Teacher Outcomes to see how The Shadow Project programs made a difference in schools this year! 

This school year brought many challenges, as students struggled to develop the academic and classroom behavior skills that they didn’t have the opportunity to learn during COVID school closures. But our Teacher Outcomes Survey shows that The Shadow Project greatly supported numerous students in Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington to help regulate their social emotional needs, as well as re-engage with their learning.

In 53 Oregon and SW Washington schools, students received targeted intervention for reading, sensory needs, social-emotional skills, and more. In the Survey, teachers shared many stories of how Shadow Programs helped their students grow their skills as well as promote a growth mindset. A full impact report will be shared later this year.

Here are some of the experiences shared by Special Education teachers we worked with this year:

“Using the goal setting program allows me to focus heavily on positive behaviors and rewards and stay away from negativity and corrective feedback.”

“I greatly appreciated that more of our time together was used for productive learning rather than behavior management. That also made relationship building with students more positive!”

“The Shadow Project has been a wonderful way to help provide ‘carrots’ to remind [students] of all the good things they are doing day in and day out. It also helps students when their self esteem is running low and reminds them they can work through adversity.”

“I’m really thankful for this continued support in what I do as an educator. I often feel forced to do much more than I can handle. You help me bring smiles to faces and that lifts me up too.” 

We’re so inspired by the continued dedication of our teachers and students in these difficult times. We’re excited to continue to grow and expand in the upcoming school year!

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