All Posts by Shadow Project

Difficult Transitions: Rethinking Seasonal Changes through the Lens of Neurodiversity Part II

Seasonal changes bring both delight and distinct challenges as they disrupt daily routines. For some neurodivergent individuals, these transitions can pose unique difficulties, particularly when it comes to sensory sensitivities. In this post, we will explore how some neurodivergent individuals may experience and navigate seasonal changes that impact their daily routines.

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Difficult Transitions: Rethinking Seasonal Changes through the Lens of Neurodiversity, Part I

Seasonal changes are a natural part of life, but for some neurodivergent individuals with disorders that affect sensory processing — ADHD, Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, ect.. — these transitions can often pose unique challenges. Read to delve into the impact of changes in outerwear, weather, food, and holidays on individuals with sensory sensitivities and provide insights on how to make these transitions more manageable and inclusive. 

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Read our 2022-23 Outcomes Report

With many students still struggling to develop the academic and classroom behavior skills that they didn’t have the opportunity to learn during COVID school closures. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters—including teachers, partner schools, volunteers, and donors—The Shadow Project was able to support 1,954 students at 53 schools in Oregon and Southwest Washington to joyfully re-engage with learning.

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Tech Tools for Success: Enhancing School Experience for Neurodivergent Students

The Shadow Project has curated a selection of assistive technology recommendations designed to empower individuals with learning challenges to navigate their lives with greater confidence and independence. Whether it’s managing time and tasks, fostering communication, or facilitating reading and learning, these tools have the potential to unlock new avenues of opportunity and growth. 

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