
Volunteer with Us!

Volunteer to improve education in your community. Our dedicated volunteers support students by mentoring struggling readers, packing teacher orders, inventorying Shadow Store items, and more. Keep reading to learn more about the volunteer opportunities we offer!

You can check out upcoming volunteer opportunities on our Volunteer Events Calendar.

Become a Warehouse Volunteer!

Our warehouse volunteers help us pack Shadow Store orders, inventory Shadow Store items, prep for fundraising campaigns and SensorySpace installs, and more!

Our warehouse volunteer events typically occur Monday-Friday during the work day and are about 2-3 hours long.

Become a Reading Mentor

You will meet one-on-one with K-8 students with learning challenges every week, motivating them to set and achieve their own reading goals. You will show them how to use Learning Ally, an assistive reading technology platform with thousands of audiobooks that make books come alive. Most of all, you will develop caring, authentic relationships with students in your community.

Become a Remote Volunteer or Translator!

Remote volunteers help us enter data or translate written documents for our families and students!

Schedule a Group Event

Throughout the year, we need help assembling celebratory kits, packing orders, inventorying The Shadow Store, and more. If you’d like to schedule a group event, please fill out our Group/Corporate Interest Form or email serve@shadow-project.org.

Below are general scheduling notes for group events:

Groups of 4 can be hosted on Mon-Thurs
Groups of 4+ can be hosted on Fri-Sun

We look forward to hearing from you!

Complete our volunteer interest form to sign up for our volunteer communication.

You can check out upcoming volunteer opportunities on our Volunteer Events Calendar.

Want to hear more from The Shadow Project, sign up for our newsletter here.

If you have any questions, please reach out to serve@shadow-project.org

“I'm a parent, but more than that, I am passionate about making education as accessible as possible for all kids.”

Meg Bernstein
Community Advisory Board Member
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The Shadow Project is a proud AmeriCorps VISTA host site.